Nederlands - Engels vertaling


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Schöck is using an export mode to sell its products. There are several types of export modes which can be used. The current strategy that Schöck maintains is a strategy called direct export. For this strategy Schöck is using a distributor to sell its products in Scandinavia and Finland. Schöck produces its products in Germany, this is where Schöck originally established. The subsidiary Schöck Nederland carries responsibility for the Scandinavian and Finnish markets. The distributor that is used by Schöck in these markets is called Haucon.
According to the product/market expansion grid, also known as the Ansoff Matrix, Schöck uses Market Development with Isolink® (Tutor0U, n/d). Market development means that Schöck has entered a new market with its existing product. The Scandinavian Market and the Finnish market were new. With the use of a distributor the product has been sold. Isolink®, the product, is an existing product for Schöck entering in a new market in Scandinavia and Finland. Façade anchors are not new, however, this type of façade anchor with no heat loss due to the thermal bridge and its material is a new version of a façade anchor in these markets.
The following findings are found in a report, written by the CEO of Schöck Nederland, Jeroen Troost (0000) called ''Isolink® in Scandinavia 0000.'' The report is written regarding the strategy change for the Scandinavian markets.
There is a change ahead in the strategy in Scandinavia and Finland in 0000 according to Schöck Nederland. The current strategy will change.
The Swedish market is a big market with a lot of potential. Schöck wants to reduce the dependency of Hydratec by entering with their own presence. The goal is to have a local person in Sweden, who knows the market, language and culture to work in the name of Schöck and visit building sites, prefab locations and contractors. By applying this structure, the 00% margin of the distributor is eliminated. Schöck has to start from zero with this new strategy. Competitors are already established in this market. This reduction of margin creates a bigger chance for Schöck to penetrate the market.
The objective of the new strategy is to reach a turnover of €000,000 of Isolink® in the Scandinavian markets.
The first steps Schöck will take into the market are:
• Schöck visiting developers and architects on presales
• Schöck is building up a pipeline with expected delivery dates and expected turn over.
Next to this it is also important to become a trend setter and an expert in the market. This is done by:
• Building up relationships with organizations like engineering companies and architects in a very early stage
• Create events with keynote speakers, invite architects and engineers who excel at their function and profile Schöck as a contributing company.
The strategy for Norway will be continued as it is.
For the Finnish market, Schöck GevelLink will be introduced for facade solutions. GevelLink is a one-stop one-shop platform where various products, concepts and delivery programs for the facade industry are available under one roof. Including design, engineering and delivery from in-house production. With the proven Isolink® technology the best thermal performance is offered for the facade and sustainable solutions for the future (Gevellink, n/d). Moreover, next to using GevelLink as a platform, GIP will be used as a partner.
For the Danish markets, Schöck wants to control the market while residing in the Netherlands. No local in the land or an office will be opened. The focus with Denmark lies on opening a new relevant market with IQclick and post installation solutions. The specific products, argumentations and experience from the Netherlands will be duplicated in the Danish market. To market this, there will be active commercial campaign to visit building and construction companies for direct sales of IQlick and post installation solutions.

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